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Rocky wRight's Countree Jack and the Beagles
Rocky explains the band

(Too boring for the swansongs interview, but too sexy for this site. lol)

You are listening to californication....by the


Take one. That is pretty much it. Then the back up vocals are placed. Sometimes there is a take two as in solos, but not all the time. You name a song from the last 50 years, and we have probably done it unless its too obscure.

The comedy albums FENCE 1 and 2, and the 2 swansongs discs are there when I need to shift gears so to speak.

Jack's speaking voice is not much different from when he sings. Carls speaking voice is more obnoxious than ernie from the muppets, and Jack and Carl trade off the comedic role

.As singers we are all not too shabby! lol I will explain this in a second...

I found a parody writing I did of Alanis Morrisette's "Ironic"from 1995. My dual cassette was broken so I just got on the computer in 2005, and layed down the song "Moronic"in mere minutes. The lyrics are outdated, but I made it happen. I know a second take would be in my best interest, but I accomplished something that I never had time for until now.

Then again "Girls just want to have lunch" by Weird Al was really bad...and FUNNY. I am self taught. I learn songs as I sing them, and improvising is funny as well.

When I lay down songs for the albums... I usually sing over 20 different songs in one sitting. The mixing takes a little more time, but I have gone into a mass production mode like Warhol, but on a different canvas altogether.

Originally my concept was to switch Beatles lyrics to Eagles songs, and Eagles lyrics to Beatles songs. I decided that writing my own stuff would avoid alot of legal issues. I understand the copyright laws, but I also know that Prince cannot stop me from singing "1999"in the privacy of my own home! lol

I liked the Beagles name so I kept it. The bands name evolved into Rocky Wright's Countree Jack and the Beagles.

Countree Jack is the raspy singer for all the lower voices. Carl Forkinspoon is the lounge singer who goes from high to low. I sing the high notes. Bow Meow does the guitar leads, and sings as well. Keep in mind that it is all me!

You cannot please all the people all the time so I like to mix it up...so to speak. lol

Z: "Then I am not real as well?"

Rocky: Relax...Z. We will just cut this part out....

Look folks...I ain't crazy! (Jack's voice)

This is all about fun. The reward is making somebody's day.

The Beatles songs are almost too beautiful, but then one realizes that its the Beagles.Some songs are a little crazy, but parody should never be about defamation.

The track pasting has come a long way since cassettes.

I just want remind people that the Beatles are the pioneers, and also to breathe life into other forgotten bands as well.

Then I realized that I could sing McCartney, Olivia Newton John?, David Gates(Bread), Elton John, and from oldies to modern bands(no band is safe...lol) We take song requests as well.Within reason...

Korn produced an album for millions of dollars. I attained a mirror like sound for 9.94 a month on the wal mart internet account! lol I have other songs that put Jack, Carl, or myself on lead vocals as well. You name it, and I can write it into a parody song in the same hour, and have it tracked and mixed the same day.(Along with dozens of other songs)

I did the theme to all in the family, and I purposely off set the two tracks because it fooled everybody.


Bohemian Jumpcut has few lyrical changes, and has intentional speed changes and other rough effects. It was done in three takes pasted together. I originally did this song in 1985, but I was more of a painter back then.So the jig is up...its all me...baby!

I am the Countree Jack man was done in one take, but the mixing made for one strange song. It is from THROWBACK (THIS EXPERIMENTAL ALBUM) The sample can be found under the Number nine and a half

In conclusion...the imagination is a powerful thing...do not let yours go to waste!


Parody has been redefined...


PS- I would like to give a shout out to Wendi and Lisa D. Oh yeah and my cousins Peter and Alex. Mom and Dad, Slambo Ratchetjaw...and anybody else I left out! lol Good nite! We out!


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