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Contact and music mystery loop

Contact page has mystery sample as well! Its all rocky! Can you guess the show?


Focusing on hindsight I can paint an abstract with words as well. I used to think I was just grossly misunderstood, but it was merely petty jealousy and stupidity. I am here to make a difference. Negativity in this world is at an all time high, but I put all the nay sayers to shame back in the day. Why should it be any different now?

It never helped to focus too much on myself or other people for that matter. It is a balance, and attitude is everything. People need to be more positive instead of listening to the devil on thier shoulder.

My uncle told me this ... Never stop chasing your dreams.

That means alot to me even if nobody cares. There are those that let things happen to them, fools inbetween who blame anybody, and then there are people who make things happen. If I succeed ... fools will laugh with the same happiness as when I failed. Yet I will prevail. I always have.

I think that is half the battle to think positively. I am just the new kid in town among outlaws, itchy trigger fingers, and the undertaker, but I am a quick draw. People run for cover, and peer through windows at the carnage that is about to unfold. I fear no one but God.

To change gears here...Here is a handy tip. The next time you go shopping...take any shopping cart that is astray inside the store even if you are not going to use a cart. Make a difference!

I hope you found this website informative and entertaining.


-Rocky wRight


Check out Rocky's art site above.