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sample 4

Wait for it...

sample 4 is an Elton John song for the live album-Going south(Doublewide live, too-Remember the alamodome)Jack comments: "The coliseums in San Antonio were more of a trip...Why? ...I haven't the foggiest!"

Justifying ones self is so last year (every year) ... and pointless...unless proving a point. That statement contridicts itself. Ignore it. LOL


 The characters are just that. Characters.

Jim Carrey does not project himself out of a rhino's butt everyday, but thats a bad example! lol Lets just say being grossly misunderstood is a gimmick. Dana Carvey is not really the master of disguise, and I am not Countree Jack. I have a bunch of names, in my name even, and I put them to use. Fans find one favorite character funniest. I like me best.

I am learning songs before transforming them into parody. The record companies do not allow artists to expose mistakes because people want something that is almost perfect. Its not like anybody comes out with a blooper album...

HEY... ding! (light bulb)*

History repeats itself. People used to say I was out there. Then I see them down the road, and they say I had the most fun out of anyone...yet I never stopped having fun. I have my bumps in the road just like anyone else, but the creative wheels turn regardless.

 I lost a few people in my life lately to thier addictions, alchohol, drugs, stupidity, death, etc, and all I could do about it was keep busy. Also there are seven women on my mind as the Eagles song goes. lol  I started this mockumentary because it was my destiny to do so. Call me retro...whatever. To all the nay sayers...What have you accomplished this year? Good luck with that! Sasrchasm is logical sometimes.

The irony is I fabricated fame within the mockumentary to compensate, and yet it might just become a success. Life is funny that way. It is the last thing I can ever think will fly.  I could succeed or end up a goof who acted the fool. Bring it!

OR... I could make guinness book of world records for 100 albums of mediocrity. I have seen some of the people on Ripleys...now THEY are crazy! Bow meow pales in comparison to the people doing body modifications on Ripleys that are transforming themselves into animals and reptiles. yikes

30 something albums in so few months is a feat, but it was all self discovery and destiny. It is easy for artists to become self absorbed, but I would rather share than hide. The Cop Rock parody I recorded is hard to listen to...even for me! lol I know that it would have a appeal to an audience... A tie dye fashionable audience. lol 

Now it is one hundred albums...at 40 minutes each. I know I could really make something better if I was not pressed for time. In the meantime...Wait and see...

October was a month to be scary without trying much which is taboo in the music industry. You have to learn before you can earn. Respect is much like success in that ummm... respect. 

There was a man who was a failure several times over before he finally succeeded as becoming President. Abe was his first name.

If this venture is worthy then you will know it.

"I am not sure what I am doing...But I am going to do it well!"

Rocky wRight




sample 5 is next