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Countree Jack covers "Tiiiied to the whippin post" by the Allman brothers.

Sometimes I feel...

when waiting on these files to load at the bottom of the window screen that is...

like I've been tiiiiiiiied to the whippin' post!

Hey baby! Just testing to see if this is gonna fly. Thad fix this here caddywompus guestbook to where it tumps, son.

 (Translation: Guestbook under construction)

In about a minute you will hear the song at low volume so chill out, and don't be all jukin' and jivin' baby! Put your ear closer to the speakers...Turn it up all the way, baby!

Good nite...We out!

Where are
you from:

No code yet! That's code for come back now ya hear?

Catch ya on the flipside...Jack

more music samples at rockywright.freeservers.com