Home  | Beagles Photos | Countree Jack | Carl Forkinspoon | Rocky wRight | Bow Meow | About band | General store UC | Dr pep Music sample1 | Hey you sample 2 | Band on the run sample 3 | Dont let the sun go down on me sample 4 | those shoes sample 5 | The 2 Jacks-Intro to files 6 | voice impressions 7 | Whats New nirvana tribute 8 | Number nine and a half 9.5 | Out there | Guest Book UC
Countree Jack and the Beagles Photo Page

"Z" Narrarates the interviews with the band.


Isn't that better? YIKES lol


MALE AND FEMALE FANS ... You could become a part of  the band... Promote your own band... or be a roadie or a groupie! OK The photos are great. We might find a home for all of you in the band...We also have 2 fake named bands for the mockumentary so... If you are a band that stumbled across this site... I will consider your band with a fake former name, and a LINK to your REAL band's webpage. We will also have a groupie page (and a roadie page for the dudes) including your favorite character(s) so look for that.

 YOU can PRESENTLY BECOME a part of HISTORY or is that the FUTURE? lol No discrimination on age, race, questionable backround...whatever! Kids must have parent's permission, and families are welcome as well.

Tell us a little about yourself, and where you are from...along with your favorite character in the band. This is a respectful site, and if you want out...I aint mad at ya! You can use your first name, and we can make up a last name or vice versa. It is all so exciting isn't it? lol

Send your virus free JPEG photo files of YOU to


to possibly win some free space on this website! All you get is photo op without pay...but you never know what the future has in store! lol

 Otherwise I have to dust off the black book... and call some more of the crew, and enhance this site...That is saying ALOT since it is mostly ME! lol Check out the Rocky wRight page for more details on the band. The idea is to have another site as one giant picture guestbook for the fans, and some more for the band on this site.

 See you in the funny papers.

-Rocky wRight


Yes... This is quite a remarkable journey indeed... Over 34 albums in the last 5 months ... Over 2500ish minutes of music... (Make that over 4000 minutes)  The band is quite the bunch... 100 albums in 2005?

There are more photos to the right as you can see...

Yes. I can dig that.

10 albums...whats all this then?

101 albums...in 2005?

Rock MC "Escher" scored the truck stop bootleg "Wild Life" 8 track.

Rock MC


Dont ask!

Sound too


I see your point...

Mike-Air drums..."Forget about it!"

I see...

Z- "Franchise...You are now the 14th Beagle?" ... FRANCHISE- "Yeah" ... Z -"I can dig that..."

Define FUNNY...

Lee on guitars vocals?

Franchise - Nu metal blood, Assorted screams, and electric slide air guitar. Transplanted Texan from Graceland. Since no music is off limits to the Beagles....Franchise marks his territory. lol

Countree Jack. Its all me, baby!

Missy-air piano & Monica-air horns


Franchise's solo album

Hey! Carl-The lounge singer.Yeah!

Rocky ?right- Lead singer- also known as Rocky Wright

Pat "Maneh" Nite...Air guitar

Pat in the hat (left and above)

JAKE McRINGO on air back beat

Jake is not related to Joe, but he is Doug's cousin from the old country! He is also married. Sorry ladies!

Retired from everything, but work...Jake is a real drummer. Alright




Lee "Bow Meow" Preston,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Countree Jack,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Rocky wRight,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Carl Forkinspoon

Joe "Cookie" Lapdog

Joe is a real bassist on the air bass. Imagine that!

Joe just got married...sorry ladies!

This picture is a spoof of the Eagles Hotel California poster that was included with the vinyl album. The actual poster is also seen within the picture above. The names of all THE BEAGLES can be found at the bottom of the Beagles photo page.

Jorge "Z" Martini is the 10th Beagle, and one of ten characters that Rocky portrays.

Joe "Cookie" Lapdog, Pat "Maneh" Nite, and Jake "The Best" Lennisson McRingo are the 11th, 12th, and 13th Beagles respectively...so to speak.Franchise is the newest air band member and the 14th Beagle. You want to join this motely crew? All takers considered for the fun of it.It is kind of getting crowded around here, but each member will get a respective page eventually. It is kind of a Jimmy Dean factory which is saying alot since its mostly me! lol See the PHOTOS AT THE HUT CONTEST to be considered for inclusion in the funniest and diverse band on the planet!

Yer Welcome!

Time machine? ...>>>> sound effect for time machine found at http://rockywright.freeservers.com

...I can dig that...but what does the future hold? STAY TUNED!

More pictures to the Right. >>> Picture not showing up? Wait for the page to load before cancelling the pages advertising. Refresh or Right click the small white box with the red X, and then click show picture...Stay tuned to purchase albums FENCE 1 and FENCE 2 in the near future!