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Lee "Bow Meow" Preston

Bow Meow sings the guitar's vocals?

Lee was found in the backwoods. Interviews will be released later. Here is some banter from Z's pocket recorder.


"Bow Meow"

Bow Meow was found in the backwoods of the Ozarks. He likes fish and fresh water. He does not understand english, but he is learning slowly. His dislikes are rolled up newspapers, and people who try and pet him. His bark is worse than his bite, but this cat has got claws. Stay away from him during a full moon!

JACK: "Did Bow Meow go outside today?"

THEO: "Nope"

Z asks "Where did you get that HAT?"

Bow Meow: "Roooow meow bow wow meow"

Z: I see...

I. Ben Fried: "Where is my hat, dude?"

Bow Meow had no comment. 

 Z notates: Apparently I.Ben Fried forgot what his hat looked like, and settled for a sombrero that was on a stuffed moose.

Z notates:

 What are you doing Bow Meow?

Bow Meow comments on his shirt...

"Bow MEOW!"

Z:Those smokeless ciggarettes are made out of foam that Bow meow has just found. It is amazing to see him pick up what he sees around him. He is still learning though...

Z notates:

Like I said...Bow Meow found some smokeless cigarettes!



Jack "Where is my dip?"

Carl: Anybody seen my smokeless smokes?

Bow Meow had no comment.


Whoa! I am on the wrong page! Its Carl... Baby!


I got a gig in Helotes tonight, baby.


Somebody spiked the punch...

and I don't even drink!


Peace out!


Check out Carl Forkinspoon Page at the top of your screen. He is the lounge singer!