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Rocky wRight

MUSIC FILE here... low volume...wait for it!



If you run out of things to do here there is my other site with more samples!

There are 4 samples there including the time machine page you can navigate that site for music samples the same way as this site

So here comes the flattery only by limitation of imitation...which means I am not riding coat tails. I have to succeed to do that! lol The chics pound on the door regardless. You see...They want me to let them out! lol
I do alter ego vocals, and a lot of crazy stuff with sound... I have created a monster. lol

Countree Jack and the Beagles is a mockumentary band that truly is finishing 100 albums this year. Why? It has never been done before. Over 40 minutes per disc for all 100 compact discs. We have already exceeded the pratice album objective with well over 4000 minutes of music, and there is no stopping there. The parodies and practice songs continue.

The 100 discs will never be for sale since they are take 1 practice songs for the parody and comedy albums. 10 seconds max if I use any original stuff, but its free advertising for the original artist.as well. I also understand common courtesy, but that market was cornered. If they like it then they will let me know it. If somebody hates it then I welcome the criticism. Briar patch psychology with the ball in my court. lol I have been doing all of this for less than half a year.

The Beagles name comes from the fact that they have covered not only virtually everything from the Eagles to the Beatles ... yet also too many to mention.

(Keep in mind that it is all me) There is a catch to the one take rule...One track take per character however! lol

I have been practicing with first take mass production recordings of almost everything in rock and roll's existence from over the last half century, and wild mixing as well. Oldies, prog, punk, funk, disco, R&B, new wave, heavy metal, grunge, alternative, rap, nu metal...name it. If a second take is in my best intrest it will be parody, and out in 2006. Ironically I took a 5 month vacation from it this year since I thought I was only doing 4 albums which became 10, and then 34. Now it is 100.

Countree Jack and the Beagles is an unlikely wild bunch, and the 2 comedy albums include time travel so that should explain it.lol

I think about what it must be like for an artist to hear songs they played over and over.

That is where this "band" comes in as a comedic change.

Countree Jack (raspy frontman),

Carl Forkinspoon (lounge singer),

Bow Meow (guitar's vocals?)

and ME ( I as myself, and all 3 I just mentioned  lol)

 The intention is to breathe new life into music meshing respect with comedy. It is also a trip!

Jack belting out a song is enough round these parts. The "Yesterday" beatles cover is serious fun. Parody can be pretty funny no matter how ugly it gets. lol

Carl Forkinspoon is revered like Bill Murray was on SNL. There are times when I know Carl would be best for the lead. He works overtime on the fast paced Grease soundtrack. Elvis, Sinatra, Rick Okasek, Devo. I just know when it is right.

 In the movie "Ishtar", Dustin Hoffman and Warren Beatty sang in unison, and that was just funny. I sang backup covering "Tonight" with Carl by singing along with his recording instead of pasting the tracks together, and it was funny and yet a very nice song.  Forkinspoon is a very accquired taste, and requires a flexible sense of humor.

Bow Meow wins the hearts of women, children, and guitar heads. I was killing two birds with one stone...Meaning he fills the void of singing guitar leads with the right effects makes for a good and funny sound AND he redefines parody. Lets face it. Nobody has heard anything like this before. lol

As far as me...Everybody just questions my sanity yet I bring the sound that throws people, and then they realize its the Beagles. I can "mirror" original artists, and sometimes it is a funny mirror, Whatever. There is always something that sets it apart with humor, and sometimes even not half bad considering my resources at the studio.

 Most practice and parody songs take under 20 minutes to complete, and I realize mistakes. I laugh during a song, but this is not about profit or greed. Its about practice. I am not pressured in any way. Some songs take up alot more time to mix if there are harmonics and effects.

Sometimes I will hear an original, and want to hear my cover instead. CCR is Credence Clearwater Revival or it could be Countree Jack, Carl, and Rocky!  I saw Dave Grohl of foo fighters sing born on the bayou live. I liked my impression of Jack doing an impression of CCR's same song on "doublewide live" more. Opinions are great when they are your own. lol

I have that option becoming like some sort of human jukebox. lol Ozzy? System of a down? ABBA? Olivia Newton John? YES! Them too. Any requests? lol

It all sounds crazy ... I know. The superficial fame has not gone to my head. lol I am not driven. It is really not all about me. Money would be like chasing the wind, but it does pay the bills. It is about making people smile. I am just doing it, and having a good time.

There is more to come...

Just wait, but it will not be long!

Rock *-(;







Where am I? What's next? Oh yeah...