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Rocky pays respect to Kurt Cobain


Wait for it...nevermind! Nirvana were the pioneers of the hidden song further down the disc. So waiting on this sample is not really waiting at all...its more like a known suprise the second time around.


The two Jacks intro to files The first time I went to a website I tried to click on something on the page to get it to play.

Little did I know that it was part of the page, and sometimes took too long to wait around for. Then just as I was about to leave the song came on. lol

It was then that I realized that this was a story to keep you patient while the file loads. lol  The end lol  And the moral of the story?GET HIGH SPEED INTERNET! LOL So.... get a snack or a drink if you have dial up!

Check the window progress below. There is a music sample on every page except the home page. Hey...the sites server may be busy letting somebody else hear the file...so click on the menu link again or refresh, and it should play the sample.


